IP Lookup Tool

Lookup any IP address
or domain

Lookup an IP

Static IP Address Lookup Tool

Lookup any valid IPv4/IPv6 IP address or domain name.

IP Definitions

What are IP addresses?
IPv4 or IPv6 address?
IPv6 address
The Internet Protocol Version 6 address IPv6 address is a numerical label that is used to identify a network interface of a computer or a network node participating in an IPv6 computer network.
IPv4 address
The Internet Protocol Version 4 address IPv4 address is the 4th version of the Internet Protocol IP. IPv4 uses 32-bit addresses which limits the address space to 4294967296 (232) addresses. .
Static and Dynamic IPs
Static IP
Most ISPs assign dynamic IPv4 and IPv6 IPs but you can get a static IP on request and it might cost you extra. If you connect to an internet service at home for personal use, a dynamic IP will work for you. However, if you’re a business owner, you might want a static IP because it is good for dedicated services such as FTP and mail servers. Static IPs are also good for creating hosting solutions at a server location.
Dynamic IP
Any IP address lookup can reveal the real IP location, which can be used to determine the country, region, city, area code, latitude, longitude determining a users geographical location. By revealing your IP address location, you are sharing this Geolocation data.
Looking up IPs
IP Geolocation
Any IP address lookup can reveal the real IP location through reverse dns, which can be used to determine the country, region, city, zip code, area code, time zone, latitude, longitude determining a users geographical location. By revealing your IP address location, you are sharing this Geolocation data with each geolocation lookup.

IP Addresses reported per year

  • 17645721
  • 5616985
  • 2021841
  • 861032
  • 1061853
  • 154047
Shared and Dedicated addresses
Shared IP
A shared IP will be shared among several users. Let’s say you connect to a VPN server and are assigned the IP address This same IP address will be used by several other people. This makes it more secure as it cannot be easily traced back to you because there were other users working on the same IP.
Dedicated IP
Some VPN companies offer dedicated IP addresses if you pay them extra. A dedicated IP is assigned to a single user. So let’s say you are assigned the IP, it will belong to you and nobody else can connect using it. And since you’ll be the only one using this IP, it can be traced back to you through any websites you visit. If privacy is a major concern for you, it’s best to go for shared IP addresses. Dedicated IPs are mostly used by businesses because they help establish a brand identity.

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